Wednesday 5 November 2014

Diorissimo Fashion Film Planning.

My Aim

The message I want to create is that Diorissomo is a timeless fragrance. That can then be adapted to attract a newer target audience, as well as keeping its' loyal customers on board. I will show this in my advert by tying in elements throughout Diorissimo's existence; then merging them together into one thing - Diorissimo!

Model/Her Story

My model is going to take on the role of a young female professional. She is very independent and worked for her success all her life, which is why she has 'made it' at such a young age. 

The model will be getting ready to go out, as she has a professional evening event to attend for her business. This could be confused at the start, as the audience may think that she is getting ready to go out to a party. But throughout the ad you can see more of a developing insight into her life. Also in the end she will leave her bedroom with her laptop and phone in hand, to highlight even more what a professional she is; never stops working. 


My model's style is going to have a professional yet modern feel to it. She is going to be in business looking attire, but it is going to have modern elements throughout. I want to keep a professional look to signify the past, but implement up to date accessories to signify the present. The Dior Autumn/Winter 2013/14 collection was something that inspired me, and I have added my most favourite pieces below.   

My model's hair is going be in a sleek ponytail, to accentuate her facial features. Another reason why I want her hair to look so clean is to show the perfect, precise and pristine elements of her organisational skills within her personality too.   

My model's make-up is going to be clean and fresh, to compliment her hair style. I want my model to have a light foundation and powder base. I then would like her to have a slightly bronzed cheek bone, to add some warmth into her look. Her eye make-up will have a small amount of neutral coloured matte based eyeshadow underneath. Then a small amount of shimmer on top to give an element of that Christmas, party season feel. Finally, I want my model's lips to have a matte pink/brown lipstick, with a cremesheen gloss over the top; this will add some depth and more character to her lips on camera.


The setting for my advert is going to be in a bedroom (belonging to the model). It is going to have a vintage/elegant yet stylish/modern interior; again showcasing the transition of the fragrance through past and present times. The room will show off my model's personality in terms of her being a young professional. It will show that she is able to afford nice things for herself, as she is an independent, hardworking young female.


My props are the main thing that ties the past and present elements of Diorissimo. 

Old props:
  • Polaroid camera
  • Polaroid images (black and white)
  • Vintage clothing (an item of clothing from the period that Diorissimo was released in)
  • Vingage jewellery (pearls)

New props:
  • iPhone
  • Mac laptop 
  • Dior make-up
  • Hair tongs
All over the dressing table where the significant props are, will be flower petals intertwined around everything. This is a signification of fact that the fragrance is very floral. And I am also using it as a subliminal link, piecing together all of the props - new and old/past and present. Finally, at the end of the dressing table there will be the fragrance in the box, which is obviously the most important prop. There will be even more flower petals smouldering this to make it the centre of attention in the advert!


The song I want to use for my advert is Ne-yo - Miss Independent. This is because it holds all of the elements that I want to be portrayed about my model's personality and professional life-style. She is 'independent' so to speak, and has definitely made her goals and ambitions come true early on in life. The song is also soft and gentle, which ties in with both the setting of her room and her physical appearance. As although she is a head-strong professional, she also has a soft and sweet side to her personality; which is why the scent Diorissimo attracts her. As the fragrance contains all of the key notes to attract an eclectic mix of successful women. 

Camera Angles/Shots

As the props are placed on her dressing table I want the camera to fade in from black onto all of the props with a slow panning motion. To break the advert up a little, I want the camera to show the model getting ready through the mirror on the dressing table, so that the props are in most of the shots. Although I would like the camera to occasionally have closeup shots of her style, hair and make-up. I want the room to have an evening feel, with low lighting. After the advert has been shit, I would like to edit it by putting a vintage/cream/low contrast colour correction on it. But it would be good if the dressing table had spot lights around it, to save some extra lighting. At the end of the advert, I want the camera to focus firmly on the model grabbing the perfume. This will signify that this is the most important things she needs before she goes to her professional evening event. 

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