Sunday, 26 October 2014

The Main MACRO trends - The Polarity Paradox.

The Polarity Paradox is the third of today's current MACRO trends, that is something us humans have created due to being spoilt for choice in this society. We are never satisfied and therefore always looking for more. When something new is released, we often get bored of our current possessions. We then instantly feel that we are missing out, and ofter giving in to purchasing and trying the latest things.

There is no such thing as moderation in this day and age. As we are now feeling any sort of middle-ground in our day to day lives, and living in temporary extremes. We go from going with out to indulging ourselves when our mood changes. We then decide to save, fast then gorge, as a new lifestyle pattern. This in tern allows consumers to have everything and nothing; as one minute they are content with their current situation. Then the next they want more and nothing is ever enough - This is the Polarity Paradox!
'We are struggling with rising complexity and wishing for comprehensible or simple reasons in order to still understand the world around us.'
In today's society we are constantly being reminded of all of the things that we could have. This is businesses trying to entice their products onto consumers in a constant way. Therefore, the constant reminder allows consumers to be enticed to do things that they would not normally do. A quote from Dalit Singh, a Berlin based creative business strategist and curator enhances this point.
'The velocity of information has reached such a pitch that we are not left to ponder for long. Cycles of opinion, fads and belief systems are rotating faster than ever, thanks to the amount of information we consume.'
To conclude, the Polarity Paradox is ofter referred to as the 'Binge and Purge culture'. This is because the culture is literally as stated; things are picked up and put back down again as quickly as something new is released! Consumers often decide to do u-turns in their weekly lives as there is a constant shift in their social lives. Due to this markets have to constantly preempt their consumers interests, as the world has become so fast paced. With regards to the fashion market and this MACRO trend, markets have to scour the latests trends in order to satisfy their current target audience for that particular moment in time.

As with this ever-changing world, people can become very contradictory in wanting to save for example but then wanting to spend money on compulsive buys because they want to feel good for themselves! Finally, everything is a paradox. In today's pop culture it is flooded with visions of heaven and hell, beauty and evil. But consumers are turning towards alchemy and über-science, therefore businesses are deciding to put their faith in scientific based professionals, in the hope that this will attract today's consumers strange 'wants'.

There is a constant shift in how we form our opinions and then re-form them soon after. Consumer's attitudes are becoming constantly unstable. This is due to the amount of advertising being forced into consumer's view on a daily basis, and therefore their opinion will change like the wind depending on this.

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