Sunday, 26 October 2014

The Main MACRO trends - Awakening Tech.

The Awakening Tech is the fourth of today's current MACRO trends, that focuses on how our virtual and real worlds are colluding. The online world has become more important to us that actual human opinions; and we therefore find ourselves taking advice from the internet about important situations. This is turning us into 'digital robots', and we are all seriously loosing touch with the real world.

It is thought that consumers do not actually care about the technology itself and how it is constructed as a piece history. But they are more interested in what it can actually do to help them and their needs. Here is a quote from Leesa Wytock, vice-president and head of digital at brand agency Jack Morton Worldwide.
'Consumers don't care about the technology... they just care about their world, their experiences and how brands make them feel.' 
Using the internet has many mesmerising positives. One main example of this is that it allows us to do things that just a few years ago we would not imagine being possible. For example we can connect with anyone, in any part of the world, at any given time. Although, there is also some server negatives to the technological world. For example it can damage people's confidence just by a few horrible opinions. Due to everything being so accessible to the world on the internet, it is not easy to constantly get positive feedback. And in a sense putting yourself on the internet is going to accumulate public opinion, as viewing things on the internet is free to judge.

There are new and amazing ways that the Awakening Tech trend are trying to tap into consumer's minds and engage them into something new. For example a company has created a wrist band that you can wear, and it detects your emotion at the time depending on how your skin is feeling on the sensors of the band. Also, there is apps that are being created where if you type in information about your appearance, it can tell you what make-up will suit you for specific events etc.

Markets rely on the consumer's data to gather information about what they are interested in. This is so that they can keep on adverting new and exciting pieces of tech, that the brand think the specific consumer will be interested in. Although, the markets have to be careful to keep their consumer's loyalty and not expose private details about them. Markets want to create easy, yet enjoyable experiences with their consumers so that they are one hundred percent satisfied. As they believe that a happy customer is a loyal customer.

All markets that work in technology aim to achieve, is creating pieces of technology that provides the right products to fulfil their consumer's meaningful needs. They want consumers to understand just how efficient their creation is, the amazing capacity to communicate with just about anyone. But finally still encourage people to communicate in real life; not forgetting that there is a beautiful world past our technological screens.

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